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Polygon has described Stan Twitter as 'an overarching collection of various fandoms', and additionally as a community that ' individuals congregated around certain, specific interests ranging from queer identity to K-pop groups, and added that 'Stan Twitter is essentially synonymous with fandom twitter.' The Daily Dot wrote that 'Stan Twitter is essentially a community of Extremely Online like-minded individuals who discuss their various fandoms and what they 'stan'.' Stan Twitter has also been noted for its common overlap with LGBTQ+ Twitter communities. Stan Twitter has been noted by The Atlantic as one of the 'tribes' of Twitter. The term was originally a noun, but over time evolved and began to be used as a verb as well. The word itself was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2017. The origin of the term stan is often credited to the 2000 song ' Stan', about an obsessed fan, by American rapper Eminem featuring British singer Dido.

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Rapper Eminem performing his song ' Stan' is often credited with the origin of the contemporary usage of the word stan.

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